Stats of Note
- launched on February 8, 2015.
- related expenses before the quarter were paid by DigbyDavis, LLC, totaling $215.16* and are not counted as operational expenses this quarter.
- 17 posts ("vs ## last qtr" will be here in future reports)
- 4,040 views this quarter
- Most popular 15Q1 post: The world's first, best, and only o-pop song
- 83 FB likes
- 57 Twitter followers
- 10 G+ followers
- 8 ZOEverse newsletter subscribers
15Q1 Income/Expense Statement
+ Google Adsense**: $3.82
+ Affiliate Links: $0.00
Total Income for 15Q1: $3.82
- None
Total Expenses for 15Q1: $0.00
15Q1 Net Profit: $3.82
15Q1 75% Creative Share: $2.87
Google Adsense pulled advertising for a few days, claiming that the site violated copyright. I added a few disclaimers and appealed the judgement which was eventually overturned. Also, I added affiliate links for a company that sells resources on filmmaking. So far those have had zero traffic. I will let them ride another quarter before deciding to keep or replace them.I'm very grateful to Rival Guy for his guest post which definitely caught people's attention, to Laura Scott for being the first ZOEfan interview, and to all the fans and creatives who have given encouragement and helped boost the signal.
And if you are reading this, thanks!
*Previous expenses include: 2014 domain registration, 2015 domain renewal, PO box rental, and sponsorship of Seattle Web Fest.
** Adsense will not release income until balance surpasses $100.00.