Monday, July 13, 2015

ZOEfan 15Q2 Report

Stats of Note

15Q2 Income/Expense Statement

+ Google Adsense**: $2.58 (LQ: $3.82)
+ Affiliate Links: $0.00
Total Income for 15Q2: $2.58 (LQ: $3.82)

- None
Total Expenses for 15Q2: $0.00 (LQ: $0.00)

15Q2 Net Profit: $2.58 (LQ: 3.82)
15Q2 75% Creative Share: $1.94 (LQ: $2.87)


The filmmaking affiliate links seemed to be annoying people so I pulled them. Around the ZOEverse also missed out on the last three issues of June because I was finalizing the transition of materials from my day job.

Separately, I wanted to see the Dorkness Rising Blu-Ray Kickstarter explode, so I enlisted Gamerati's network to place banner adverts. The project cost $300 for 200,000 impressions, of which I received financial support from DG and two generous fans. Unfortunately, it looks like the project was a bust, pulling in about .14% (that's 14 clicks per 10,000 impressions) with either zero referrals, or indeterminable. Kickstarter's analytics may have removed Gamerati's reference tag, lumping them in as untrackable direct links. Obviously, the project performed well below expectation.

I'm glad for these experiences, but I'm not sure this site is providing value to ZOE, the other creatives, the fans or myself. So, dear reader, is this site of value to you? What sort of things would you like ZOEfan to do, to offer? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.


** Adsense will not release income until balance surpasses $100.00.